The tubes can be made of fused silica, glass, or stainless steel, but the fused silica columns are, by far, the most common. One type of column and the more common, is the wall-coated open tubular column (WCOT). Capillary columns provide the highest resolutions. Internal diameters of 0.10, 0.20, 0.25, 0.32 and 0.53 mm are commercially available. Typical lengths are between 10 to 60 m, although lengths of up to 100 m are commercially available. Long columns result in longer analysis times. Film thickness is between 0.1 and 5.0 µ m. Thin films provide fast analysis and resolutions, but low sample capacities. The contrary is true for thicker films, and they are only used for very volatile compounds. There are also two other types of capillary columns. The support-coated open tubular (SCOT) column and the porous layer open tubular (PLOT) column. SCOT columns contain an adsorbed layer of very small solid support, coated with a liquid phase. Their capacity is increased, compared wit...